Along The Way . . .

My Lovely Friend R shared with me beautiful, emotional writings on a Facebook Message. I was so moved at the way she expressed her feelings, so I asked her if she intended on Posting, or Publishing them. She seemed hesitant, and then she said that she’ll think about it. I encouraged her to do so, and then got to thinking about How and Why some of us Write. The reasons are many and varied going from the Professional to the Transactional and everything in between. So I asked Myself: Why do I Write? And the foremost answer is: Because I Love and Enjoy Writing. This reminded me of something I read and can’t for the life of me remember where: Along the way I found out that I became the person I was looking for. And this is exactly what I feel that writing throughout these years has done to me. It is a precious feeling!

I also write to Share my Opinionated Thoughts for whatever they’re worth, and, perhaps, in reading some of them You might see a reflection of your own Thoughts and Feelings giving You a sense of consolation that You Are Not Alone! Some people write hoping that their work will Go Viral, others look to have Thousands of Followers, however, with a plethora of Words to Read and Images to View all across the Cyber World I wonder how many of those can a Reasonable Human Assimilate, Process and Digest on any given day? Perhaps it’s because I am old, but being a slave to my phone/computer and checking it every second is not my cup of tea!

Moreover, what worries me about most of us Humans sticking only to the sites we agree with is that we might end up by becoming Clannish, Cliquish and Tribal; Set in our Thinking; not Open to Other Perspectives. That’s not good. I feel it is necessary to listen to those that do not agree with us, that oppose our viewpoints, don’t we? However, and much as I honestly try to do that, I have recently become so downcast, depressed, infuriated and totally disgusted with Anyone trying to Justify the Israeli Government’s War Of Vengeance! I ask myself time and again: How can it be Justifiable for Biden to be so totally one-sided after viewing the Massacres and Deliberate Starvation going on in Gaza and the West Bank, and his giving Netanyahu all the room he needs to continue his Evil Doings while making all sorts of Excuses and Parroting the Lies, Deceit and Propaganda of the Israeli Machine? Not only is this Unforgivable. Not only is it Complicity. Not only is it Enabling Genocide. It is Criminal!! Arwa Mahdawi writing in The Guardian on May 30 titled her article: Where Is Joe Biden’s Fury About Decapitated Palestinian Babies? Yes, where is his fury at all that, and at the bodies of women and children on Al-Shifa hospital’s grounds after another Israeli raid on that compound? Why was “Decent” Biden very quick to reiterate – more than once! – the Lies, Deceit and Propaganda of the Israeli version of the October 7 tragedy and the Absolute Falsehoods regarding 40 decapitated Israeli babies, and the murder of 38 Israeli children??? It is so Preposterous to flaunt such Untruths as Facts. Ah! But then, have we all forgotten the Lies, Deceit and Propaganda of the US Government’s Justifications for going to war on Iraq? Have we forgotten Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo? I haven’t!

It is also absolutely insane to have built a Pier off the Gaza shore that cost $320 Million and that was damaged by the weather? Was it made out of cardboard perchance? Isn’t it obvious that the whole project was to buy time for more Atrocities, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide, while pretending to be Caring and Compassionate???!!! Are we that Idiotic and unable to see through Verbal Gymnastics, Double Standards and Hypocrisy?

Biden’s and Netanyahu’s pathetic foreign policy words and behavior have done so much damage to all our World Institutions, to the UN, to UNRWA, to the ICG and to the ICC, as did railing against student protestors and demonstrations by taking up the anti-semitic mantra thus causing many Professors and Corporate Employees to be unfairly fired from their jobs! Rather than encouraging a Progressive Agenda this behavior encourages a Repressive Agenda.

Unfortunately there is a Real Hysteria gripping these United States. You can hear it as Voters vociferously root for two different Presidential Candidates both of whom are unfit for the job! It is very scary! And, it is causing an overwhelming number of people to be feeling anxious and disconcerted though many are not even able to articulate why! Moreover, there are elections going on all over the world it seems, and the question on people’s minds is: will we be going Left, or Right? Will it be a Progressive win, or a Repressive win? So far, it seems to be Middle of the Road? We’ll see!

Regarding the Ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank: A bit too little, and much too late, I say! I also do not believe or trust neither Biden’s declared Intentions, nor Netanyahu’s, nor any of our Arab Leaders! The Ruthlessness, the Mercilessness and the total disregard for Any Dignity, Human Rights, Legality and Humanity has left us Palestinians dejected, sorrowful and stunned as never before during this Century of Israeli Occupation that is totally supported by the Colonist Enterprise! And, unfortunately, it does not seem like this is ending any time soon! I know that many Palestinians share my feelings!

As I plod Along The Way I feel – as I have been for many years now – that the affairs of our World will get Worse before they get Better, mainly because the Pathetic Political Leaderships of our Planet are not addressing the real concerns of Real Humans who are tired of Wars and Violence and of an Oligarchical Political and Corporate Structure that looks only after itself and nothing and no one else! So, I continue to write, and vent, and rant! Will it help? I don’t know!! I also don’t know what will!!!???


How Is It Even Possible?

Some days I am too sad to write, others I am too exasperated to do so, and others yet I am too mad! Today I am all three, because the world has gone quite sadly berserk! It is almost an unbelievable nightmare, and very dangerous! However, it seems that the Masks which Political, Military and Corporate Leaders have been wearing for decades are melting away and exposing the Truth more than at any other time as many have been talking and writing about. That’s good!

Ron Paul, speaking at the Libertarian Conference (you can listen to it on C-Span) said two things that I totally agree with: “The Empire is Dead” and (paraphrasing): “the US has engaged in so many coups over the past decades, the latest one being in Ukraine.” Honest! True! How come he knows this and the Administration has an opposite version? How come the guys at the Quincy Institute, The Intercept, Truthout, Chris Hedges, Jeffrey Sachs, Jonathan Cook etc. etc. know this and the Administration is so very Delusional persevering in selling us these war-mongering, hypocritical bills of rotten goods that go back to Vietnam?? How Is It Even Possible?

Moreover, the Wars in Ukraine and Palestine have finally revealed so much that some people were unaware of, or uninterested in knowing. Why? Because people are generally busy simply trying to survive, taking care of their families, going to their jobs, coping with whatever issues they, or theirs, are going through and living within their cocoons. Somehow though, and mostly due to our Interconnectedness these high tech days, it has become almost impossible to look away from The World.

As an example: the image of the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations shredding the UN Charter was Pathetically Hilarious! This article by Jeffrey Sachs is worth reading! The Ambassador believes that the World has developed Collective Amnesia and that it has forgotten that Israel has Never, Ever abided by Any UN Resolution! To the contrary, and together with the Members of the Colonist Enterprise (US and Europe) Israel has always turned the tables on Palestinians for being the “No” Party!! Moreover, any Institution, Organization, or Government, or Media Outlet that criticizes Israel will be trashed by Israel and its Choir, proving that our World Order, International Law, UN Charter and all those adjunct organizations are becoming obsolete, one-sided and racist. If they work for the Colonist Enterprise then we deem them Important, if the same criteria do not work for that Racist Enterprise then we deem them Invalid! Case in Point: how Quick they were to refer Vladimir Putin to the ICC (International Criminal Court) and how Quicker they were to get Outraged at Benjamin Netanyahu’s referral to that same court. Mondoweiss nailed it! How Quick they were to condemn Russia for calling Navalny a Traitor, and how Quicker they were to call Assange (whom I also refer to in the next paragraph) a Traitor! Why, and Who decides? Double standards and Hypocrisy all around the Globe and to the Moon and Back! How Is It Even Possible?

Our Government is quick to condemn Any Whistleblowers exposing US malfeasance such as John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange (amongst others) who has been languishing in a terrible British jail for years for exposing US torture and other criminal techniques employed by our Military and Contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, Whistleblowers exposing Israel’s same behavior towards Palestinian Prisoners – many of whom are Innocent, or Children – elicits not a squeak of a condemnation from Genocide Joe, or Worthless Blinken! How Is It Even Possible?

The US and the UK are now echoing each other’s pathetic words and political proclamations, with most European Nations reluctantly going along. EXCEPT for Ireland, Spain and Norway who have decided to recognize a Palestinian State. The Israeli Government is Fuming! Of course! This proves their Intent of having Never, Ever facilitating Peace, or recognizing the Two State Solution. Will this go on? For how long? How Is It Even Possible?

They say that when the Merciless, Criminal, Ruthless White European Colonists pulled their armies out of Colonized Nations and “Granted” them Independence that the Era of Colonialism was over? Not so! Not for a day! Other than most of the African Continent still undergoing Colonialism and the ravishing of their resources, there are Islands, Protectorates and tiny Nations all over the World that are still under occupation!! The latest problems being in New Caledonia. Why is France still there? Plying its military power? Is that acceptable? How Is It Even Possible?

Every time I hear Ordinary People opining on C-Span about Inflation and Taxes and then listening to the mostly good-for-nothing-and-no-one Hearings that our Politicians are busying themselves with I get more and more disgusted. As one friend told me: “I pay taxes on my wages, and then I pay taxes every time I buy, or use any service. Actually, I pay a tax every time I turn around and as the corporations pass the increase in their taxes on to us, never paying anything due to their voodoo economics, and, as every shortfall in any budget of any state or county adds to my taxes.” Yes,  whether it’s Inflation, or More and More Taxes it does not hurt Any Politician one iota, but it sure as hell hurts all of us! Read this to be even more disgusted with Corporate Power. How Is It Even Possible?

And How Is It Even Possible that the United States of America, the Exceptional Nation has only Two Mediocre (and I’m being Gentle!) Candidates running for President? There are Sooo Many Terrific Humans  out there who are truly Decent, Honest, Moral and Ethical and Very Capable of running our country? Why are we settling for more Hypocrisy, Chaos, War-mongering and Corporatism? And are we truly a Democracy, or, as the Reality dictates an Oligarchy on its way to Dictatorship? It is Painful to Witness this, especially when we Fear that our Politics are taking this country Down rather than Pulling it Up? When there is so much that is terrific about this country? There is so much potential that it can offer why then are we in the miserable state that we are in? Unfortunately, our Political, Military and Corporate Leaders do not encourage the nation to thrive. To the contrary, they seem to be engineering its downward spiral. Shameful and Infuriating! Don’t Worry, some tell me, it’ll all work out. Will it? When?